Day 21

Thank to Lynn for letting me borrow this! I went to a local bookstore intending to buy a copy… and they said they don't keep "text books" in stock. I just smiled as though, of course I needed it for a class! … :l 

Thank to Lynn for letting me borrow this! I went to a local bookstore intending to buy a copy… and they said they don't keep "text books" in stock. I just smiled as though, of course I needed it for a class! … :l 

Mental State

Tired :( I started working on another section in a series of articles that I'm writing called "Food Logic" and completely lost track of time. I'm really excited about it though! I got to the part in "Your Personal Paleo Code" where Chris begins to discuss food reintroduction (which I'm not at yet in my own journey) so I decided to take a break on that book and begin a book that's been on my to-read list for about a month--Weston A. Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration."

Oh my Lord. I don't know why this isn't a mandatory read for every doctor, nutritionist, dentist and parent-to-be in existence since he wrote it in 1939. You'll have to wait for the article series to see why (or buy a copy and read it yourself!!) but it's really exciting, and I hope I can help get the information out, even in a small way. 

I feel like I'm an art student by day and a college student by night… without getting accreditation for either.

And so it goes. But I'm far from complaining--I feel SO fortunate to have both opportunities without the burden of student loans, and without needing to be completely financially independent (thanks mom and dad! :) 

I'm doing my best to make your love, support, and money a worthwhile investment! Love you guys <3


  • (8:00--Bodyrock)
  • 8:20--Gut Elixir, 2 little pickles, leeks and bacon in ghee and bone broth with 3 eggs and a little bit of shredded sweet potato
  • 10:30--Coffee with coconut cream
  • 12:30--Dyan's leftover Brasa which she so kindly shared with me (knowing how much I adore Brasa) Plantains, spinach, beef, and sweet potatoes, and also a small salad: kale with cilantro, pickled herring, salsa, olive oil, dulse flakes, and a little bit of brewer's yeast
  • 10:00--1/2 plantain, 1/2 onion, some sweet potato, and 2 garlic gloves in coconut oil


Cash Check

$0. :)


Bodyrock… killer. I dubbed this workout "High Knee Hell" and you'll understand why if you follow the link. And then do it.